RF401 Series OS 04

  1. Changed defaults so they are compatible w/CR1000: -Protocol: PB Aware, -RS232 baud rate: 38.4k,-CSI/O Mode: SDC7
  2. Added SDC addresses 10, 11
  3. Added ME baud rates. Rates are 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k
  4. Added SDC info bits; this will show up in datalogger settings as SDCx Info RF401 Vxx; where x is 7,8,10, or 11 (the SDC address that the device is on), and xx is the firmware version.
  5. Added PB Aware with ME Master configuration.
  6. Removed references to "CSDC"; now just SDC
  7. Changed the wording for COM2xx to RF400 CSI/O mode; it is now called ME Master.
  8. Changed the ME Master mode function so that no data received over RF initiates the CS I/O becoming active. CS I/O will only become active if the attached device (eg, COM220) raises its RING line. This prevents any "callbacks" for the modem to RF configuration. A datalogger must be present at the modem to RF base for callbacks to function.
  9. Removed RF signal strength based hop metric adjustment.
  10. Added retries in Transparent protocol.
  11. Added check to see if the entire PakBus packet coming in over RF was received before sending a beacon out in the PB Node configuration. This had caused RF interference in some instances
  12. Changed GetVariable so that it will return signal strength.