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Workhorse Sentinel ADCP and CR1000

Feliperr Nov 8, 2016 08:50 PM

Hello Everyone; I am trying to integrate a TRDI Workhorse Sentinel ADCP with a CR1000 datalogger to get real-time waves and currents (at several bins). Does anyone have a code I could use?



JDavis Nov 8, 2016 08:58 PM

This is a generic program to read in the PD0 binary format:

'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'To create a different opening program template, type in new
'program author: Jacob
'RDI PD0 format reference program

Const MaxCellCount = 30 'Number of cells configured in sensor
Const MaxEnsembleLength = 20000

Public PTemp, batt_volt
Dim EnsembleString As String * MaxEnsembleLength
Dim i As Long, k As Long
Public BytesAvailable As Long
Public CalculatedChecksum As Long, EnsembleCheck As Long

Public EnsembleStart As Long, EnsembleLength As Long
Public VariableLeaderStart As Long, FixedLeaderStart As Long, VelocityStart As Long, CorrelationStart As Long
Public EchoIntenseStart As Long, PercentGoodStart As Long, StatusProfileStart As Long
Public NewEnsemble As Boolean, NeedMoreBytes As Boolean, EnsembleValid As Boolean

'Fixed Leader Variables
Public NumberOfCells As Long, RangeCellLength As Long, BlankAfterTransmit As Long
Public LowCorrThresh As Long, ErrorVelocityMax As Long, Bin1Distance As Long
Public FalseTargetThreshold As Long

'Variable Leader Variables
Public EnsembleNumber As Long, BITResult As Long, SpeedOfSound As Long
Public DepthOfTranducer As Long, Pitch As Long, Roll As Long
Public Salinity As Long, TransducerTemp As Long, BITHex As String

'Data Types
Public NumberDataTypes As Long, DataTypeOffset(13) As Long, DataTypeID(13) As Long

'Velocity Values
Public Velocity1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Velocity2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Velocity3(MaxCellCount) As Long

'Quality Values
Public Correlation1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Correlation2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Correlation3(MaxCellCount) As Long
Public Echo1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Echo2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Echo3(MaxCellCount) As Long
Public PercentGood1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  PercentGood2(MaxCellCount) As Long, PercentGood3(MaxCellCount) As Long

Dim ProcessVelocity As Boolean, ProcessCorrelation As Boolean, ProcessEcho As Boolean
Dim ProcessPercentGood As Boolean, ProcessFixedLeader As Boolean, ProcessVariableLeader As Boolean

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,1000)
  DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
  Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
  Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)

Sub EnsembleShiftUp
  'Shifts entire buffer up, so that EnsembleStart is now 1
  MoveBytes (EnsembleString,0,EnsembleString,EnsembleStart-1,MaxEnsembleLength - EnsembleStart + 1)
  EnsembleStart = 1

Sub BufferShiftUp(NumberToShift As Long)
  'Shifts entire buffer up by number of bytes
  MoveBytes (EnsembleString,0,EnsembleString,NumberToShift,MaxEnsembleLength - NumberToShift)

Function SignedInt16(tempDec As Long) 'Converts two byte long to 16bit signed
  If tempDec>32767 Then

'Main Program
  SerialOpen (COMRS232,-115200,3,0, MaxEnsembleLength *2 + 1 ) 'Be sure to open in binary format
  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
    PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
    Battery (batt_volt)

    If IfTime (0,2,Min) Then
      SerialOutBlock (COMRS232,"cs" & CHR(13) & CHR(10),4)
    If IfTime (1,2,Min) Then  'Change interval to coincide with sensor
      BytesAvailable = SerialInChk(ComRS232)
      SerialInBlock (COMRS232,EnsembleString,BytesAvailable)

      EnsembleStart = 0
      For i = 1 To BytesAvailable 'Find start of Ensemble
        If ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,i)) = 127 Then  '&h7F is 127
          If ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,i+1)) = 127 Then
            EnsembleStart    = i
            NewEnsemble = true
      Next i  'next byte in buffer


    If NewEnsemble Then 'check ensemble data validity
      EnsembleValid = false
      If BytesAvailable >=6 Then 'enough bytes to read length
        EnsembleLength = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 3)) * 256 +  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 2))
        NumberDataTypes = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 5))

        If  BytesAvailable >= (EnsembleStart + EnsembleLength + 1) Then 'Enough length for whole ensemble
          NeedMoreBytes = false

          'Checksum validation
          EnsembleCheck =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + EnsembleLength + 1)) * 256 +  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart  + EnsembleLength))
          CalculatedChecksum = 0
          For i = 0 To (EnsembleLength - 1)
            CalculatedChecksum = (CalculatedChecksum + ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i)) ) MOD 65536
          Next i  'Byte of ensemble
          If CalculatedChecksum = EnsembleCheck Then
            EnsembleValid = true

            EnsembleValid = false
          EndIf 'checksums equal

          NeedMoreBytes = true
          'Catch invalid ensemble lengths
          If  EnsembleLength +2 > MaxEnsembleLength Then
            Call BufferShiftUp(EnsembleStart)
        EndIf  'Enough bytes

      EndIf 'bytes available for header

      NewEnsemble = false
    EndIf 'end ensemble data processing

    If EnsembleValid  Then 'process data from ensemble
      For i = 1 To NumberDataTypes
        DataTypeOffset(i) =   ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i *2 + 4  )) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i *2 + 5  ))
        DataTypeID(i) =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i) )) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i) + 1))

        If DataTypeID(i) = 256 Then
          'Velocity Data located
          VelocityStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessVelocity = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 512 Then
          'Correlation Data located
          CorrelationStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessCorrelation = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 768 Then
          'Echo Data located
          EchoIntenseStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessEcho = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 1024 Then
          'Percent Good Data located
          PercentGoodStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessPercentGood = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 0 Then
          'Fixed Leader Data located
          FixedLeaderStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessFixedLeader = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 128 Then
          'Variable Leader Data located
          VariableLeaderStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessVariableLeader = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

      Next i   'next datatype
    EndIf  'ensemble valid

    If ProcessVelocity Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Velocity1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -6)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -5))
        Velocity1(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity1(i))

        Velocity2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -4)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -3))
        Velocity2(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity2(i))

        Velocity3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -2)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -1))
        Velocity3(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity3(i))
      Next i  'next cell
      ProcessVelocity = false

    If ProcessFixedLeader Then
      NumberOfCells = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 9 ))
      RangeCellLength = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 12 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 13 ))
      BlankAfterTransmit = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 14 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 15 ))
      LowCorrThresh = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 17 ))
      ErrorVelocityMax =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 20 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 21 ))
      FalseTargetThreshold = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 38 ))
      ProcessFixedLeader = false

    If ProcessVariableLeader Then
      EnsembleNumber = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 2 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 3 ))
      BITResult = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 12 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 13 ))
      BITHex =  FormatLong (BITResult,"%X")
      SpeedOfSound = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 14 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 15 ))
      DepthOfTranducer =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 16 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 17 ))
      Pitch = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 20 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 21 ))
      Roll =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 22 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 23 ))
      Salinity = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 24 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 25 ))
      TransducerTemp = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 26 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 27 ))
      ProcessVariableLeader = false

    If ProcessEcho Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Echo1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 -2))
        Echo2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 -1))
        Echo3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 ))
      Next i
      ProcessEcho = false

    If ProcessCorrelation Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Correlation1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 -2))
        Correlation2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 -1))
        Correlation3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 ))
      Next i
      ProcessCorrelation = false

    If ProcessPercentGood Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        PercentGood1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 -2))
        PercentGood2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 -1))
        PercentGood3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 ))
      Next i
      ProcessPercentGood = false

    CallTable Test


Feliperr Nov 8, 2016 09:08 PM

Thanks a lot! I intend to interface the ADCP to the CR1000 datalogger via cable (200-m long) using the RS232 comm port on the datalogger.

JDavis Nov 8, 2016 09:22 PM

 This program is for 4 beam mode instead of XYZ mode.

For the connection between the Workhorse and the datalogger RS232 port, you will need to use a RS232 to RS422 converter like the one that ships with the Workhorse. RS232 wouldn't work at that cable length. Between the converter and the RS232 port, use a male to male null modem cable. When you set the datalogger up to communicate with the ADCP on the RS232 port, you can't connect to it with Campbell software on that port. So you will need an alternate connection like the CSIO port for downloading data.

'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'To create a different opening program template, type in new
'program author: Jacob
'RDI PD0 format reference program

Const MaxCellCount = 30 'Number of cells configured in sensor
Const MaxEnsembleLength = 20000

Public PTemp, batt_volt
Dim EnsembleString As String * MaxEnsembleLength
Dim i As Long, k As Long
Dim bufferEnd As Long
Public BytesAvailable As Long
Public CalculatedChecksum As Long, EnsembleCheck As Long

Public EnsembleStart As Long, EnsembleLength As Long
Public VariableLeaderStart As Long, FixedLeaderStart As Long, VelocityStart As Long, CorrelationStart As Long
Public EchoIntenseStart As Long, PercentGoodStart As Long, StatusProfileStart As Long
Public NewEnsemble As Boolean, NeedMoreBytes As Boolean, EnsembleValid As Boolean

'Fixed Leader Variables
Public NumberOfCells As Long, RangeCellLength As Long, BlankAfterTransmit As Long
Public LowCorrThresh As Long, ErrorVelocityMax As Long, Bin1Distance As Long
Public FalseTargetThreshold As Long

'Variable Leader Variables
Public EnsembleNumber As Long, BITResult As Long, SpeedOfSound As Long
Public DepthOfTranducer As Long, Pitch As Long, Roll As Long
Public Salinity As Long, TransducerTemp As Long, BITHex As String

'Data Types
Public NumberDataTypes As Long, DataTypeOffset(13) As Long, DataTypeID(13) As Long

'Velocity Values
Public Velocity1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Velocity2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Velocity3(MaxCellCount) As Long , Velocity4(MaxCellCount) As Long

'Quality Values
Public Correlation1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Correlation2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Correlation3(MaxCellCount) As Long , Correlation4(MaxCellCount) As Long
Public Echo1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  Echo2(MaxCellCount) As Long, Echo3(MaxCellCount) As Long , Echo4(MaxCellCount) As Long
Public PercentGood1(MaxCellCount) As Long,  PercentGood2(MaxCellCount) As Long, PercentGood3(MaxCellCount) As Long, PercentGood4(MaxCellCount) As Long

Dim ProcessVelocity As Boolean, ProcessCorrelation As Boolean, ProcessEcho As Boolean
Dim ProcessPercentGood As Boolean, ProcessFixedLeader As Boolean, ProcessVariableLeader As Boolean

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,1000)
  DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
  Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
  Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)

Sub EnsembleShiftUp
  'Shifts entire buffer up, so that EnsembleStart is now 1
  MoveBytes (EnsembleString,0,EnsembleString,EnsembleStart-1,MaxEnsembleLength - EnsembleStart + 1)
  bufferEnd -= EnsembleStart - 1 'Must do before resetting EnsembleStart
  EnsembleStart = 1

Sub BufferShiftUp(NumberToShift As Long)
  'Shifts entire buffer up by number of bytes
  MoveBytes (EnsembleString,0,EnsembleString,NumberToShift,MaxEnsembleLength - NumberToShift)
  bufferEnd -= NumberToShift

Function SignedInt16(tempDec As Long) 'Converts two byte long to 16bit signed
  If tempDec>32767 Then

'Main Program
  bufferEnd = 0
  SerialOpen (COMRS232,-115200,3,0, MaxEnsembleLength *2 + 1 ) 'Be sure to open in binary format
  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
    PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
    Battery (batt_volt)

    If IfTime (0,2,Min) Then
      SerialOutBlock (COMRS232,"cs" & CHR(13) & CHR(10),4)
    If IfTime (1,2,Min) Then  'Change interval to coincide with sensor manual poll interval, or run faster than sensor in case of automatic output
      BytesAvailable = SerialInChk(ComRS232)
      If BytesAvailable Then
        'Bring in data into buffer string, after unused data, up to the available space in the string
        BytesAvailable =   SerialInBlock (COMRS232,EnsembleString(1,1,bufferEnd + 1), IIF (BytesAvailable <= (MaxEnsembleLength - bufferEnd),BytesAvailable,(MaxEnsembleLength - bufferEnd)))
        bufferEnd = bufferEnd + BytesAvailable
        EnsembleStart = 0
        For i = 1 To bufferEnd 'Find start of Ensemble
          If ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,i)) = 127 Then  '&h7F is 127
            If ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,i+1)) = 127 Then
              EnsembleStart    = i
              NewEnsemble = true
            EndIf 'Second byte of header
          EndIf 'First byte of header
        Next i  'next byte in buffer
        'If did not find an EnsembleStart in entire buffer, shift up to last byte(in case it is first byte of new ensemble)
        If i > bufferEnd  Then
          Call BufferShiftUp(bufferEnd - 1)
      EndIf 'BytesAvailable
    EndIf ' IfTime (1,2,Min)

    If NewEnsemble Then 'check ensemble data validity
      EnsembleValid = false
      If bufferEnd - EnsembleStart >=5 Then 'enough bytes to read length
        EnsembleLength = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 3)) * 256 +  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 2))
        NumberDataTypes = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + 5))

        If  bufferEnd-EnsembleStart + 1 >= (EnsembleLength + 2) Then 'Enough length for whole ensemble
          NeedMoreBytes = false

          'Checksum validation
          EnsembleCheck =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + EnsembleLength + 1)) * 256 +  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart  + EnsembleLength))
          CalculatedChecksum = 0
          For i = 0 To (EnsembleLength - 1)
            CalculatedChecksum = (CalculatedChecksum + ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i)) ) AND 65535
          Next i  'Byte of ensemble
          If CalculatedChecksum = EnsembleCheck Then
            EnsembleValid = true
            '   Call EnsembleShiftUp
            EnsembleValid = false
            Call BufferShiftUp(1) 'Move up data in buffer by one byte to clear start of bad Ensemble
          EndIf 'checksums equal

          NeedMoreBytes = true
          'Catch buffer overruns
          If bufferEnd >= MaxEnsembleLength  Then
            Call BufferShiftUp(EnsembleStart - 1)
          'Catch invalid ensemble lengths
          If  EnsembleLength +2 > MaxEnsembleLength Then
            Call BufferShiftUp(EnsembleStart)
        EndIf  'Enough bytes

      EndIf 'bytes available for header

      NewEnsemble = false
    EndIf 'end ensemble data processing

    If EnsembleValid  Then 'process data from ensemble
      For i = 1 To NumberDataTypes
        DataTypeOffset(i) =   ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i *2 + 4  )) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + i *2 + 5  ))
        DataTypeID(i) =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i) )) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i) + 1))

        If DataTypeID(i) = 256 Then
          'Velocity Data located
          VelocityStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessVelocity = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 512 Then
          'Correlation Data located
          CorrelationStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessCorrelation = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 768 Then
          'Echo Data located
          EchoIntenseStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessEcho = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 1024 Then
          'Percent Good Data located
          PercentGoodStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessPercentGood = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 0 Then
          'Fixed Leader Data located
          FixedLeaderStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessFixedLeader = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

        If DataTypeID(i) = 128 Then
          'Variable Leader Data located
          VariableLeaderStart = EnsembleStart + DataTypeOffset(i)
          ProcessVariableLeader = true
        EndIf  'End ID is velocity

      Next i   'next datatype
    EndIf  'ensemble valid

    If ProcessVelocity Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Velocity1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -6)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -5))
        Velocity1(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity1(i))

        Velocity2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -4)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -3))
        Velocity2(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity2(i))

        Velocity3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 -2)) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 -1))
        Velocity3(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity3(i))

        Velocity4(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart + i*8 )) + 256 *  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VelocityStart  + i*8 +1))
        Velocity4(i) = SignedInt16(Velocity4(i))
      Next i  'next cell
      ProcessVelocity = false

    If ProcessFixedLeader Then
      NumberOfCells = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 9 ))
      RangeCellLength = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 12 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 13 ))
      BlankAfterTransmit = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 14 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 15 ))
      LowCorrThresh = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 17 ))
      ErrorVelocityMax =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 20 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 21 ))
      FalseTargetThreshold = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,FixedLeaderStart + 38 ))
      ProcessFixedLeader = false

    If ProcessVariableLeader Then
      EnsembleNumber = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 2 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 3 ))
      BITResult = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 12 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 13 ))
      BITHex =  FormatLong (BITResult,"%X")
      SpeedOfSound = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 14 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 15 ))
      DepthOfTranducer =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 16 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 17 ))
      Pitch = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 20 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 21 ))
      Pitch = SignedInt16(Pitch)
      Roll =  ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 22 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 23 ))
      Roll = SignedInt16(Roll)
      Salinity = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 24 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 25 ))
      TransducerTemp = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 26 )) + 256 * ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,VariableLeaderStart + 27 ))
      ProcessVariableLeader = false

    If ProcessEcho Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Echo1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 -2))
        Echo2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 -1))
        Echo3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 ))
        Echo4(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,EchoIntenseStart + i *4 + 1 ))
      Next i
      ProcessEcho = false

    If ProcessCorrelation Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        Correlation1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 -2))
        Correlation2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 -1))
        Correlation3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 ))
        Correlation4(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,CorrelationStart + i *4 + 1 ))
      Next i
      ProcessCorrelation = false

    If ProcessPercentGood Then
      For i = 1 To MaxCellCount
        PercentGood1(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 -2))
        PercentGood2(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 -1))
        PercentGood3(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 ))
        PercentGood4(i) = ASCII(EnsembleString(1,1,PercentGoodStart + i *4 + 1 ))
      Next i
      ProcessPercentGood = false
    If EnsembleValid Then
      'You might want to call a data table without a data interval from within here.
      'Finalize processing
      Call BufferShiftUp(EnsembleStart + 1) 'Shift things in the buffer up past start bytes of the processed Ensemble
      EnsembleValid = false 'Done, so mark false to not reprocess

    CallTable Test


Feliperr Nov 9, 2016 01:04 PM

Thanks a lot JDavis! Your comments are really appreciated.

mrtoffoli Jan 11, 2023 07:47 PM

This post is under review.

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