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LoggerLink 1.2 - Bluetooth support *ANDROID*

Dana Mar 17, 2014 09:34 PM

I just wanted to post a note that LoggerLink version 1.2 for *Android* has been released that supports communication via Bluetooth 2.0. You will need to have a BT serial dongle connected to the datalogger -- there are a few more details in the writeup on the Play store about how to configure the Bluetooth device.

Note that this is support for ANDROID ONLY. Unfortunately, Apple does not allow serial communication via Bluetooth 2.0 on its devices. However, a Wifi device such as Serial I/O's Wi-Snap is a good alternative to BT on iOS devices for walk-up-and-connect applications.

If you currently own LoggerLink for Android, this upgrade is free of charge and should be pushed to your device automatically unless you have that option disabled.

I hope some will find this helpful.


bjstarr May 1, 2017 03:09 PM


Any chane we could chat to discuss our needs regarding bluetooh and/or Wifi comms. for walk-up-and-connect applications.

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