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How do you index into an array of Strings inside a function?

Minh T. Dec 13, 2017 09:50 PM

TLDR; Why doesn't the code below access the passed String array correctly?

  For i=1 To NumPeople   
    TableOutputs(i+TableOffset) = !People(i)  'Compiles OK. Output Unexpected (ALL missing) 
  Next i   

I'd like to pass an array of Strings into a function and from within the function access and modify the array that was passed in. I've verified that you can pass in an array of strings, access, and modify it (such that the changes to the array will be seen from the scope of the caller). 

The thing that confuses me is why I can't dereference the array and index into an array element using a Dim variable. See my comments inside the Salute() function next to the statements inside the second for-loop.

I tried indexing into the "People" array using both Dim and Public variables but only numeric literals and Constant types will index correctly. Because I needed to variably access the elements of the array (so no usage of constants), I indexed into People using a value obtained when you add a value of type "Const" and "Dim", which surprisingly worked! But the caveat is that the expression that evaluates to an index value must be enclosed in open/close parentheses. 

'   Using pointers to pass an array of strings into a function
'TableOutputs(1) = Amy      TableOutputs2(1) = Amy
'TableOutputs(2) = Beth     TableOutputs2(2) = Beth
'TableOutputs(3) = Claire   TableOutputs2(3) = Claire
'TableOutputs(4) = Abe      TableOutputs2(4) = Abe
'TableOutputs(5) = Bill     TableOutputs2(5) = Bill
'TableOutputs(6) = Clark    TableOutputs2(6) = Clark
'TableOutputs(7) = Amy      TableOutputs2(7) = Abe
'TableOutputs(8) = Beth     TableOutputs2(8) = Bill
'TableOutputs(9) = Amy      TableOutputs2(9) = Clark
'TableOutputs(10)= ""       TableOutputs2(10) = ""

'TableOutputs(1) = ""       TableOutputs2(1) = Amy
'TableOutputs(2) = ""       TableOutputs2(2) = Beth
'TableOutputs(3) = ""       TableOutputs2(3) = Claire
'TableOutputs(4) = ""       TableOutputs2(4) = Abe
'TableOutputs(5) = ""       TableOutputs2(5) = Bill
'TableOutputs(6) = ""       TableOutputs2(6) = Clark
'TableOutputs(7) = Amy      TableOutputs2(7) = Abe
'TableOutputs(8) = Beth     TableOutputs2(8) = Bill
'TableOutputs(9) = Amy      TableOutputs2(9) = Clark
'TableOutputs(10)= ""       TableOutputs2(10) = ""


Public PTemp, Batt_volt

Dim NameSet1(3) As String * 20 = {"Amy","Beth","Claire"}
Dim NameSet2(3) As String * 20 = {"Abe","Bill","Clark"}
Dim TableOutputs(10) As String * 20 
Dim TableOutputs2(10) As String * 20 

'SaluteOutput is used to view the output of the call Salute()
DataTable (SaluteOutput,True,50)

Function Salute(People As Long, NumPeople As Long, TableOffset As Long)
  Const offset = 0
  Dim i,j 
  For i=1 To NumPeople   
    TableOutputs(i+TableOffset) = !People(i)  'Compiles OK. Output Unexpected (ALL missing) 
  Next i   
  For j=1 To NumPeople
    'TableOutputs2(j+TableOffset) = !People(offset+j)  'Error: "0 is illegal dimension index"
    'TableOutputs2(j+TableOffset) = !People((offset+j)) 'Compiles OK. Output as expected
    'TableOutputs2(j+TableOffset) = !People(j+offset)  'Compiles OK. Output Unexpected (ALL missing)
    TableOutputs2(j+TableOffset) = !People((j+offset)) 'Compiles OK. Output as expected
  Next j

  Const  IDX = 1
  Dim    DimIdx = 1
  Public PubIdx = 1
  Dim    DimLongIdx As Long = 1 
  Public PubLongIdx As Long = 1

  Salute(@NameSet1, 3, 0) 'Populate TableOutputs and TableOutputs2, array elements 1-3
  Salute(@NameSet2, 3, 3)
  TableOutputs(7) = NameSet1(DimIdx)     'TableOutputs(7) = "Amy"
  TableOutputs(8) = NameSet1(IDX+DimIdx) 'TableOutputs(8) = "Beth"
  TableOutputs(9) = NameSet1(PubIdx)     'TableOutputs(9) = "Amy"
  TableOutputs2(7) = NameSet2(DimLongIdx)     'TableOutputs2(7) = "Abe"
  TableOutputs2(8) = NameSet2(IDX+PubLongIdx) 'TableOutputs2(8) = "Bill"
  TableOutputs2(9) = NameSet2(IDX+PubLongIdx+DimLongIdx) 'TableOutputs(9) = "Clark"

  CallTable SaluteOutput

	Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
		PanelTemp (PTemp,60)
		Battery (Batt_volt)


ArtHeers Jan 5, 2018 10:02 PM

Thank you, Minh T., for posting this.  You have uncoveredtwo bugs in CRBasic that are now fixed and will be going through testing in beta operating systems.  In all your examples that did not work a work around the bugs is to put an extra set of () around the index, as in !People((i)).  The first bug happens with pointers into an array when the index is a variable expression.  The other issue, the erroneous compile error, will happen with any array reference when the index is an expression with the number 0 encountered first in the expression, as in X(0 + i).  Again, adding the extra () around the index expression is a work around.

Again, thanks for bringing this to our attention and look for the next OS release that will fix this.  

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