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Recalling previous data for calculation of new value

APaz Apr 18, 2017 01:08 PM


I am currently trying to create a CR300 program to monitor rainfall. I have the logger recording total pulse count on an hourly interval (which serves as total rain fall), and would like to calculate the rain fall per hour. I was going to use "Tablename.Fieldname(fieldname index,records back)" to call up the total pulse count from the previous hour and subtract it from the total pulse count for this hour. Would this method work? And, if it would work, at what point in my program should I include the calculation? 

I have no programming experience, so any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you!

jtrauntvein Apr 20, 2017 11:18 PM

There was a blog post written about this a few months ago that may help you:


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