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MET ONE 03B Wind Set

MM81 Feb 24, 2017 07:06 PM


I am trying to connect a Met One 034B Wind sensor (prop + wind wane) to a CR1000 Datalogger. I could find the CS user manual on line where everything is explained in detail, including the programing of the cr1 file to be uploaded to the data logger. However, when following the steps of the manual, where the sensor is indeed included in the list of available ones, I cannot see the name of my sensor in the actual list of ShortCut (on my PC). So I have selected "RM Young 03002-5 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor".

I can succesfully read wind direction but get a constant NaN for wind magnitude.

I have checked the wiring and everything seems OK. I have tried to chance the sensor (CSL version)  from the list (ShortCut) but with no success. The User manual is "Met One 034B" Wind set. Revision 1/17.

What have I possibly done wrong?

Thank you.

ChipsNSalsa Mar 1, 2017 11:22 PM

In the "Available Sensors" tree in Short Cut, there should be an "034A/034B Wind Speed & Direction Sensor" in the "CR1000/Sensors/Meteorological/Wind Speed & Direction" folder. Picking the "RM Young 03002-5 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor" is not a replacement.

MM81 Mar 3, 2017 07:42 PM

Dear ChipsNSalsa,

Thank you for the feedback!

Well, that is exactely the point. There is NO "034A/034B Wind Speed & Direction Sensor" in the "Meteorological/Wind Speed & Direction" list. That is why I went for another alternative which, as you point out, turns out to be an invalid replacement... I could find an template CR1 file in the user manual of the wind sensor: I have copied and pasted that and it works now! When using the wrong one, I got NaN velocities and direction giving very strange values (ranging from 0 to 190...).

I am using PC200W Datalogger support Software,

Version 4.4.2
Build 4,4,2,0
coralib3d.dll version 1, 10, 32
Downloaded from CS web site, not more than 2 weeks ago.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Kind regards.

ChipsNSalsa Mar 3, 2017 10:10 PM

I'm quite sure I know what's going on now. I noticed you're from the University of Vienna and thus probably purchase most of your equipment and sensors from our affiliate Campbell Scientific, Ltd. If you look in Short Cut's "Program" pull-down menu, you'll find a menu item called "Sensor Support". You'll probably find that you have selected "Campbell Scientific, Ltd. (UK)". CSL chose not to have the 034A/034B show up in the sensor tree when their sensor support is selected. I don't recall why. An 034A/034B sensor will show up in the sensor tree if you select "Campbell Scientific, Inc. (US)" for "Sensor Support". Short Cut will not care if you mix sensors from the CSI and CSL sensor list in the same program. The next question is, do the wire colors on your sensor match what is shown in Short Cut. They may not if you bought it directly from Met One.

MM81 Mar 4, 2017 12:55 PM

Hi. Thank you for the advice. This solved my problem. I have now a new list, which contains the anemometer I have on my office desk. 

Regarding the wiring, I know it is indeed working, not only beacuse the direction are correct (when tested on bench) but because when comparing measurements with a GILL acoustic wind sensor I already had installed, both output are consistent.

Thank you
Kind regards from sunny Vienna

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